Develop Leaders

Leadership building is critical

The need for effective leaders within organizations is clear. However, knowing how to properly develop leaders is not as obvious. In fact, 86% of respondents in a recent survey of executives stated that leadership is one of their most important challenges. In the same study, only 7% of companies revealed having strong leadership development programs. The need for capable leaders is increasing as seasoned managers are retiring or moving on to new opportunities and management positions are being filled by younger Millennials that are struggling due to lack of proper training and cross generation communication challenges.

One of the keys to successful leadership is developing the people you manage. The outdated model of relying solely on annual reviews to provide feedback has proven ineffective. Modern performance management must focus less on “evaluation” and more on continual goal setting, regular feedback and ongoing coaching. Successful companies will place greater emphasis on identifying leaders and building their skills.

Leadership development can be time-intensive but it is critical to success. With SinglePoint Outsourcing, our experienced human resources specialists will take care of HR issues that distract you from focusing on developing your people and help you put a plan in place to strengthen the skill set of your team. Call us today at (559) 625-4800, and let’s get started.